I’m now micro-blogging, or doing what James Governor calls A Declarative Living. Yes, a few weeks ago, I signed up on Twitter.

Why I’m doing this? Just check this post, or this one. They resume my interest in this new way of communication or social network. As you have noticed, this blog is dedicated to the software development life cycle, and I don’t usually post about myself or my personal interests. So twitter brings me the possibility to talk about what I’m doing or what I’m thinking on a more informal way, without blogging an elaborate post.

During these few weeks, I found twitter a quite good indeed. I discovered interesting things during my last trip to London, or I have met some twitter friends in real life.

So here we are. If you want to track my activity, check my twiterings. And feel free to add me as a friend.

<br /><a style="font-size: 10px; color: #00CCFF; text-decoration: none" href="http://twitter.com/ferdy">follow ferdy at http://twitter.com</a>